CHICAGO — State Senator Robert Peters joined advocates and community leaders Tuesday outside the Capitol in support of permanent funding for the Reimagine Public Safety Act.
CHICAGO — State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago) released the following statement in response to the Chicago Bears’ proposal for a new domed lakefront stadium:
“I haven't had the opportunity to thoroughly examine every aspect of the proposal just yet. I do want to give the Chicago Bears credit on putting forth private dollars. However, I remain skeptical using public dollars to fund private sports teams.
“Illinoisans are facing many challenges, and my job first and foremost is to take on those challenges and improve the lives of everyday Illinoisans. I’ll always keep the door open for further conversations, especially as I look more into the details of this proposal.
“Chicago is a world-class city and we must do all we can to maintain a strong tourism and entertainment culture but I just want to make sure I do that responsibly.”
SPRINGFIELD — State Senator Robert Peters is aiming to make it easier for teachers to obtain licensure for pursuing careers in Montessori education in Illinois.
“There's a growing interest in alternative educational approaches like Montessori,” said Peters (D-Chicago). “By fast-tracking certification, we remove financial and time barriers for educators, building a pipeline for more teachers to help meet the demand for qualified educators in Montessori schools.”
Read more: Peters’ legislation would remove financial and time barriers for Montessori teachers
SPRINGFIELD — State Senator Robert Peters advanced a measure out of the Senate to make record expungement a smoother process for individuals and the court systems.
“Expunging a criminal record in Illinois can have numerous benefits for an individual, including increased job opportunities, access to professional licenses and the restoration of civil rights,” said Peters (D-Chicago). “This will set the stage for a smoother and more efficient process, potentially leading to the removal of damaging criminal records and opening up opportunities for a fresh start.”
Read more: Peters aims to simplify expungement proceedings with new legislation
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