NEW! Tourism Attractions & Festivals Grant Program
What: The Tourism Attraction and Festivals Grant program will help develop new or enhance existing tourism attractions located across the state – including but not limited to museums, state parks, historical sites, events, performances, and festivals. The funds may be utilized for capital projects, equipment, training, transportation, housing, receptions, entertainment, photography, temporary housing, and interpretive programs.  The goal of the program is to attract additional visitors and overnight stays that will bring foot traffic to communities across Illinois. 
Potential Applicants: Units of local government, nonprofits, local promotion groups, and businesses.
How Much: $15 million total. $5 million for festivals and events, and $10 million for attractions. Awards range from $15,000 to $500,000. Matching not required for nonprofits and local governments, but preference will be given to those providing matching funds. 75% match required for businesses.

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